| Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG Dieselstrasse 5 Reinbek Germany, D-21465
Phone: 49 (0) 40 7 27 71 - 0 Fax: 49 (0) 40 7 27 71 - 100
For decades Amandus Kahl pelleting plants have been applied successfully for compacting organic products of different particle sizes, moisture contents, and bulk densities. At Amandus Kahl we are constantly developing our machines in order to improve their capacities and economic efficiency. Amandus Kahl pelleting presses are particularly appropriate for products which are difficult to pellet.
Our services:
Consultation, assistance in obtaining approval, engineering, commissioning, installation, and after-sales service.
Amandus Kahl supplies turn-key plants for the recycling sector.
Product tests can be carried out in the Amandus Kahl pilot plant.
Amandus Kahl offers pelleting presses with a drive power from 3 kW to 500 kW. In total, 11 different sizes are available. The production capacities of most plants range between 1.5 and 8 t/h.