Saws Detail Outfeed 
Comact Transverse Optimized Board Edger 
Edger Scanner 
Feed Table 
Saw Box 
Edger Tailer 
Transverse Optimized Board Edger - Comact:
Comact Transverse Optimized Board Edger
The transverse scanned board edger has feed speeds to 1,200 feet per minute.  Piece counts to 36 pieces per minute on 20' lumber.
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Edger Scanner
The flitches are singulated by an unscramble.  At the top of the unscrambler, the flitches are even ended and loaded into lugs.  The flitches are scanned on the lug chain with laser / camera profiling scanners and the scan data is then optimized with the edger optimizer to provide the highest value edging solution for each flitch.
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Feed Table
The feed table positions the flitch using linear positioners based on the edger optimization solution.  The pressrolls, in conjunction with the parking ramp hold the flitches after being positioned.  The parking ramp and pressrolls then drop allowing the board edger infeed chain to feed the flitch to the board edger
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Saw Box
The board edger "edges" the flitches based on the optimum solution from the edger optimizer.  The saws will shift on the arbor to the position required to edge the flitch.  The outfeed pressrolls are sequenced down on the flitch to hold it in position.
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Edger Tailer
The board edger tailer fingers shift to the center of the sawn board(s) and allow the tailings to fall into a residual conveyor below.
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